Iva Krolo
+385 (0)98 16 98 739
Studio: Vinkovci
Online sessions: available
Language: Croatian
Iva Krolo is an art therapist in residence, completing Postgraduate specialist studies in Art therapy at The Academy of Arts and Culture and The School of Medicine at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in collaboration with George Washington University. She attended lectures for Expressive Art Therapies in Education and Rehabilitation - Module I and Module II, at the Center for Lifelong Education of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences in Zagreb. Before that, she obtained a master's degree in social work (MSW) graduating from the Faculty of Philosophy in Mostar in 2019. She also completed pedagogical-psychological-didactic-methodological education at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek (PPDMI), acquiring the teaching competencies necessary for conducting lessons (60 ECTS) in 2019.
Iva currently works at the Vinkovci Municipal Museum as a museum educator. She introduces innovative work methods into the museum and is the conceptual founder and organizer of the event for children called 'Courtyard Ideas'. Additionally, she is the leader of several other projects within the museum (Museum Stories and a Snout, Meeting Place, etc.).
Iva become a pioneer of Art therapy that is supported by animals in Croatia and is working with clients as individuals or in groups at the City Museum of Vinkovci, applying art therapy with the help of dog, as well at the association 'Butterflies' and at the Association for Children and Cerebral Palsy. In art therapy, Iva utilizes the creative visual process as a means of expression and communication. The presence of a dog during art therapy sessions has a positive impact on the therapeutic effect. Her special interest in animal-assisted therapy led her to become a professional dog handler and caregiver of Labrador Bella, and both of them have passed the therapy team exam in 2021.
She actively participates in humanitarian work. She attended trainings organized by the Croatian Red Cross in collaboration with UNICEF on the topics of "Child Protection in Crisis Situations," "Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations," and "Training for Trainers in the Field of Support to Helpers." She was engaged in the activity coordination of preschool projects in areas affected by floods (Gunja, Croatia) with the support of UNICEF: "Start for a Lifetime," "Early Learning for All," and "Safe Place for Children" during the period 2014-2015, for which she received recognition.
Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)
Croatia Guide Dog and Mobility Association (CGDMA)
Iva Krolo je specijalizant art terapije i završava poslijediplomski specijalistički studij iz art terapije na Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu te Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku u suradnji s George Washington University (USA). Pohađala je predavanja za Ekspresivne art terapije u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji (Modul I i Modul II) u Centru za cjeloživotno obrazovanje Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Prije toga je stekla diplomu magistre socijalnog rada (univ. mag. act. soc.), diplomiravši na Filozofskom fakultetu u Mostaru 2019. godine. Završila je i pedagoško-psihološko-didaktičko-metodičku izobrazbu na Filozofskom fakultetu u Osijeku (PPDMI), stekavši nastavne kompetencije potrebne za vođenje nastave (60 ECTS bodova) 2019. godine.
Iva radi kao muzejska edukatorica u Gradskom muzeju Vinkovci. U muzej unosi inovativne metode rada te je konceptualna začetnica i organizatorica festivala za djecu pod nazivom 'Dvorište ideja.' Osim toga, vodi nekoliko drugih projekata unutar muzeja (Muzejske priče i jedna njuška, Mjesto susreta, itd.).
Iva je postala pionirka art terapije podržane životinjama u Hrvatskoj i radi s klijentima, kako pojedinačno tako i u grupama u Gradskom muzeju Vinkovci. Primjenjivala je art terapiju uz pomoć psa i u udruzi 'Leptirići' te Udruzi za djecu s cerebralnom paralizom. U art terapiji Iva koristi kreativan vizualni proces kao sredstvo izražavanja i komunikacije. Prisutnost psa tijekom terapijskih sesija ima pozitivan utjecaj na terapijski učinak. Njezin poseban interes za terapiju podržanu životinjama potaknuo ju je da postane stručna voditeljica pasa i skrbnica labradora Belle, i oboje su položili ispit za terapijski tim u 2021. godini.
Iva je aktivan volonter u raznim udrugama. Pohađala je trening u organizaciji hrvatskog Crevenog križa u suradnji s UNICEF-om na temu: "Zaštita djece u kriznim situacijama" ,"Psihosocijalna podrška u kriznim situacijama" i "Trening za trenere iz područja podrške pomagačima". Bila je uključena u koordinaciju aktivnosti predškolskih projekata na područjima pogođenim poplavama (Gunja, Hrvatska) uz podršku UNICEF-a: "Početak za cijeli život", "Rano učenje za sve" i "Sigurno mjesto za djecu" tijekom razdoblja od 2014. do 2015. godine, za što je primila priznanje.
Hrvatsko udruženje za umjetničku terapiju (HART)
Hrvatsko udruženje vodiča pasa i mobilnosti (CGDMA)