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Magdalena Rubeša
MAed, univ. spec. art. therap.

+385 (0)99 330 8712
Studio: Zadar
Online sessions: available
Language: Croatian, English


Magdalena Rubeša after obtaining her master's diploma in Primary Education (MAed), Magdalena specialized in Art Therapy at the Postmaster Specialist Study Program of Creative Therapies in Osijek. Her thesis research focused on art therapy interventions for individuals with Down syndrome. This research served as the foundation for the first Croatian art therapy exhibition titled "Art terapy process" held at Kneževa Palace, Zadar, in 2019. She complemented the exhibition with the lecture "What is Art Therapy."

Magdalena also has extensive experience in art therapy work with the elderly population with Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as individuals with physical disabilities and those with traumatic brain injuries. Furthermore, she assists anxious and depressed clients in individual and group art therapy sessions.

She participated in a group exhibition with other Croatian art therapy students at the George Washington University Art Therapy Gallery in USA, 2018. Additionally, she spoke of Croatian traditional lace from the island of Pag in the presentation "Using Ancient Cultural Traditions in Developing Contemporary Croatian Art Therapy."

Magdalena was part of the art therapy team that organized workshop "All Colors Stress" at the 9th Congress of the Croatian Family Medicine Coordination (KoHom), held in Šibenik in 2018. Under the mentorship of Mercedes Balbe ter Maat, she presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the American Art Therapy Association in Miami, FL, USA, in 2018, on the topics of "Art therapy for survivors of trauma" and "The Power of Art in Treatment of Those Affected by Family Crisis."  She also presented as part of a symposium on Creative Therapies at the 13th International Congress EAMHID in Berlin in 2021.


Magdalena serves as the Vice President of the Croatian Association for Art Therapy (HART) and is the President of the Association's Ethics Committee.


Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)

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Magdalena Rubeša
univ. mag. prim. educ., univ. spec. art. therap.

+385 (0)99 330 8712
Studio: Zadar
Online sesije: da
Jezik: hrvatski i engleski


Magdalena Rubeša je nakon stjecanja dipome magistre primarnog obrazovanja (univ. mag. prim. educ.), specijalizirala art terapiju na Poslijediplomskom specijalističkom studiju Kreativnih terapija u Osijeku. Njezino istraživanje za diplomski rad je bilo usmjereno na art terapijske intervencije za osobe s Down sindromom. To istraživanje poslužilo je kao temelj za prvu hrvatsku izložbu art terapije pod nazivom "Proces umjetničke terapije", održanu u Kneževu dvoru, Zadar, 2019. Izložbu je upotpunila predavanjem "Što je Art terapija."

Magdalena također posjeduje opsežno art terapijsko iskustvo u radu s populacijom osoba treće životne dobi s Alzheimerovom bolešću i demencijom, kao i s osobama s tjelesnim invaliditetom i onima s traumatskim ozljedama mozga. Nadalje, Magdalena pomaže anksioznim i depresivnim klijentima u individualnim i grupnim seansama art terapije.

Sudjelovala je na skupnoj izložbi s drugim studentima art terapije iz Hrvatske u Galeriji Art terapije Sveučilišta George Washington u SAD-u, 2018. Također je govorila o hrvatskoj tradicionalnoj čipki s otoka Paga na predavanju "Korištenje drevnih kulturnih tradicija u razvoju suvremene hrvatske art terapije."

Magdalena je bila dio tima za art terapiju koji je organizirao radionicu "All Colors Stress" na 9. kongresu Koordinacije hrvatske obiteljske medicine (KoHom), održanom u Šibeniku 2018. Pod mentorskom palicom Mercedes Balbe ter Maat, predstavila se na 49. godišnjoj konferenciji Američkog udruženja za art terapiju u Miamiju, FL, SAD, 2018., na teme "Art terapija za preživjele traumatizma" i "Moć umjetnosti u liječenju onih pogođenih obiteljskom krizom." Također je sudjelovala u simpoziju o kreativnim terapijama na 13. Međunarodnom kongresu EAMHID u Berlinu 2021.

Magdalena obnaša dužnost potpredsjednice Hrvatske udruge za art terapiju (HART) te je predsjednica Etičkog odbora udruge.


Hrvatska udruga za art terapiju (HART)

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© HART, Hrvatska udruga za art terapiju, 2019.  

Web site editors: Mia Janković Shenster and Vesna Matić.  Credit to artist Jelena Kovačević for the captivating artwork on our website.

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