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Leonilda Conti 

Studio: Osijek, Milan
Online sessions: available
Language: Italian, English,
 Portuguese, Croatian


Leonilda Conti is an academic painter and has an MA in Fine Arts. She is also an art therapist who specialized in art therapy in Osijek (2022), Croatia, with the theme: 'A heuristic investigation into the intersectional aspects of the Self, an art-based exploration.' Leonilda is a polyglot and is proficient in multiple languages, including Italian, English, German, Portuguese, and Croatian.

In 1995, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in the Italian city of Bergamo, where she participated in the Open-studio project at the mental hospital in Bergamo, keeping it open for patients. She studied evangelization and Catholic religion for a year at the International Academy of Evangelization (IAE) in Altoetting, Germany.  The next two years she lived in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. There, in the favelas and impoverished suburbs, she was a FIDESCO volunteer and conducted creative workshops for underprivileged children, a project of social interest for the prevention of early pregnancy. After that, she worked for two years as the head of the International Youth Center near St. Peter's Square (Vatican), welcoming young people from all over the world, for the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

In 2005, she moved to Osijek in Croatia and worked as a museum educator, organizing workshops and pedagogical activities at the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek. She has special interest in art therapy in the context of the museum and aims to foster a stronger connection between the museum and its visitors. This approach aims to provide a more diverse range of exhibitions and educational opportunities, enhancing the overall museum experience.She paid particular attention to people with disabilities, including visits and workshops for the blind, for children with Down syndrome, users with psychiatric patients, and students of the Ivan Štark school. She also worked with disadvantaged people, including children and young people from the Klasje institute, elderly people from the hospice, and the association of elderly people. In 2016, she became the director of the same museum, promoting the museum space as a space for personal and social growth of its users. The activities and programs had a community interest, both for children and for people of the third age. The art therapy studio, completed in 2022, was intended to further her interest in creating alternative therapeutic spaces to clinical or hospital practice.

In 2020, she moved to Milan with her family, maintaining an intense volunteering relationship in Osijek during the summers of 2022-2023 at the Inkluzija Association of Osijek. Since 2023, she has been a volunteer at the psychiatry department of a Milanese hospital, offering her voluntary collaboration at a compulsory school with a strong multicultural presence and at a therapeutic employment center for adults.



Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)

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Leonilda Conti 

Studio: Osijek, Milan
Online sesije: da
Jezik: talijanski, engleski, portugalski, hrvatski 


Leonilda Conti je akademska slikarica i magistra likovnih umjetnosti (MFA). Specijalizirala je art terapiju u Osijeku, Hrvatska (2022), s temom: "Heurističko istraživanje preklapajućih aspekata Ja, istraživanje temeljeno na umjetnosti." Leonilda je poliglot i stručna je u više jezika, uključujući talijanski, engleski, njemački, portugalski i hrvatski.

Diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u talijanskom gradu Bergamu (1995), gdje je sudjelovala u projektu Open-studio u tadašnjoj psihijatrijskoj bolnici u Bergamu, održavajući je otvorenom za pacijente. Zatim je provela studijsku godinu proučavajući evangelizaciju i katoličku religiju na Međunarodnoj akademiji evangelizacije (IAE) u Altoettingu, Njemačka. Sljedeće dvije godine provela je u brazilskom gradu Porto Alegre gjde je kao FIDESCO volonter vodila kreativne radionice za socijalno ugroženu djecu u sklopu projekta od društvenog interesa za prevenciju rane trudnoće. Nakon toga, radila je dvije godine kao voditeljica Međunarodnog centra za mlade u blizini Trga svetog Petra, (Vatikan), prihvaćajući mlade ljudi iz cijelog svijeta za Papinsko vijeće za laike.

Godine 2005. preselila se u Osijek, Hrvatska, i radila kao muzejska edukatorica, organizirajući radionice i pedagoške aktivnosti u Muzeju likovnih umjetnosti u Osijeku. Leonilda posebno zanima art terapija u kontekstu muzeja te želi poticati jaču povezanost između muzeja i posjetitelja. Ovaj pristup ima za cilj pružiti raznolikiji niz izložbi i obrazovnih prilika, poboljšavajući ukupno iskustvo muzeja.Posebno je radila sa osobama s invaliditetom vodeći radionice za slijepe, djecu s Down sindromom, korisnike s psihičkim poteškoćama te učenike škole Ivan Štark. Radila je sa socijalno ugroženim skupinama, uključujući djecu i mlade ljude iz instituta Klasje, starije osobe iz hospicija te udrugu starijih osoba. Godine 2016. postala je ravnateljica istog muzeja, promovirajući muzejski prostor kao mjesto osobnog i društvenog rasta korisnika. Aktivnosti i programi imali su društveni interes, kako za djecu tako i za starije osobe. Umjetnički terapijski studio, završen 2022., namijenjen je daljnjem istraživanju stvaranja alternativnih terapijskih prostora izvan kliničke ili bolničke prakse.

Godine 2020. preselila se u Milan sa svojom obitelji, održavajući intenzivni volonterski odnos u Osijeku tijekom ljeta 2022.-2023. u Udruzi Inkluzija Osijek. Od 2023. godine volontira na odjelu psihijatrije milanske bolnice, u osnovnoj školi sa snažnom multikulturalnom prisutnošću i u terapijskom centru za zapošljavanje odraslih.


Hrvatska udruga art terapeuta (HART)

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© HART, Hrvatska udruga za art terapiju, 2019.  

Web site editors: Mia Janković Shenster and Vesna Matić.  Credit to artist Jelena Kovačević for the captivating artwork on our website.

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