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Art therapists organize exhibitions that beautifully capture the transformative journey of the artists. Such exhibitions offer a profound visual narrative of personal growth and healing through creative expression.  In some exhibitions, the focus is on the personal inner world, changes, and transformations of the art therapist. In other exhibition emphasis is given to the clients' art therapy process. Visitors to exhibitions may enjoy observing exhibits, and this  be could be therapeutic for them as Arts as Therapy.




Exhibition 5.1.2024.

Jasmina Ferček both curates and exhibits in the group textile exhibition at the Galerija DLUL, Ljubljana. Exhibition showcase how the creative process of textile artists and designers brings power back into everyday life.  For example textile puppets may be used with clients as transitional objects. Further, the exhibition goes beyond the products on display to reveal the inner processes of the artisans, who actively engage with their emotions and find solutions. Visitors are encouraged to experience handling textile materials during organized events.

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Exhibition 6.10.2023.

In the gallery of Lenka Franulic of the Chilean Embassy in Zagreb, an exhibition by Vesna Matić titled "Blue Connection" has opened. The artworks and poems explore the theme of immigration and immigrants, emphasizing the sea as the blue connection between old and a new home, a reality for a considerable number of people who migrated from Croatia to Chile. Through the journey across the actual spaces of islands and coasts and conversations with people, Vesna has felt and portrayed the memories  shared.



Exhibition 17.9.2023. Jasmina Pacek opened a solo exhibition titled "Movements" at the Ulika Gallery in Bale. In the series, each painting and drawing vibrates in a lively continuum of thoughts flowing from the complexity of cognitive clarification to the liberating symbolic affective simplicity. The artist seamlessly demonstrates and combines skills as a textile designer, art therapist, sensory-motor expression athlete. At times, personal themes take the lead in her work, skillfully unraveled in an abstract manner.



Exhibition 16.5.2023. Mia Jankovic Shenster organized an exhibition of artworks at the Ussishkin Center in Israel, stemming from the process of group art therapy for Holocaust survivors. The group has been meeting for seven consecutive years, with each individual contributing in their unique way. The artworks stand as powerful testimonials to the survivors' journey towards reclaiming life, resilience, and strength, showcasing their ability to perceive goodness amidst and because of the horrors they experienced.



Exhibition, February, 2023.

Artist and art therapist in residence Nikolina Manojlović Vračar (MFA) designed and painted the mural "Warm Beverage" in the dining room of the Lepoglava prison hospital in February, 2023. The mural was created as part of the project "Colors of reality" organized by the Croatian Society of Visual Artists. The choice of motifs, emphasized horizontals, deliberate rhythm of colors and selection of colors within shapes, make this work suitable for the space of the hospital dining room within the Lepoglava prison.


Exhibitions 2021-2023.

Sabrina Mazzola Roguljić participated in three consecutive exhibitions at the Art Ribel, Savona (Italy).  The exhibited sculpture addresses the "lost twin" syndrome, theme that is part of her doctoral thesis, along with other pregnancy complications as reactions and consequences of transgenerational trauma. 


Exhibition 23.11.2022. Jasmina Pacek took part in exhibition organized for ULUPUH members.  Exhibition is centered around the theme of touch. Dr. Pacek invites us with her art piece a Sea of Thoughts to a tactile play of opening and closing, spreading and gathering threads, offering a sensory kinesthetic pleasure.  Visible and tangible dark spots on the shimmering fabric of sea colors resemble well-guarded secrets in the unfathomable sea of thoughts. 


Exhibition, 10.11.2022. Jelena Kovačević presented a photo series titled "Daughters" with this exhibition. Through 16 photographs, the artist explores the relationship between mothers and daughters. The observers are consistently shown with their backs turned, and the landscape The photo series is a tribute to the tragically deceased mother of the author's friend, who was among the first civilian victims of the Homeland War in Osijek. itself becomes a kind of extended backdrop.


Exhibition, September 2022.

Sabrina Mazzola Roguljić participated in the exhibition and presentations at the 1st International Symposium  and Festival of Art Therapies and Psychosis "Healing Spaces," held in the medieval complex of San Pietro (Perugia). The exhibition aims to open a window into the relationship between art and healing, specifically exploring the connection between the art therapist and the client.  Is it possible to activate both empathic and therapeutic communication between the healer and the person seeking support through their reciprocal images, and how? 


Exhibition 1.6.2022.

Vesna Matić organized an exhibition on June 1, 2022, titled "Dive," where she openly revealed and celebrated the artistic process. The exhibition emerged from the revelations documented in her art therapy diary, which were then transferred onto larger canvases, infusing the showcased artwork with a profound and deeply personal dimension. This unique approach allowed viewers to connect not only with the finished pieces but also with the transformative journey captured within each stroke and expression.  


Exhibition 31.5.2021. 

Check out the group exhibition 'Self-Regulation' organised by professors and students from the postgraduate program in Creative Therapies, specializing in Art Therapy.  Participants: 

🔸️ Prof.dr. art. Jasmina Pacek, univ. 🔹️ Jelena Kovačević, therap. 🔸️ Doc. art. Mia Janković-Shenster, 🔹️ Jasminka Bukvić, MD, Family doctor, MFA, Art Therapy Specialist Trainee 🔸️ Krunoslav Stojanovski, Academic Painter, Art Therapy Trainee 🔹️ Leonilda Konti, MFA, 🔸️ Barbara Ivković-Cikač, MAed, therapy Specialist Trainee 🔹️ Vesna Matić, BFA, BBE, Art Therapy Specialist Trainee 🔸️ Nikolina Manojlović Vračar, MFA, Art Therapy Specialist Trainee 🔹️ Antonio Rendulić, MAed. Art Therapy Specialist Trainee



Exhibition 12.4. - 8.5.2021. 

An exhibition has been organized featuring artworks created by the beneficiaries of the Center Tuškanac Zagreb during individual art therapy sessions under the guidance of the artist and art therapist in residence Nikolina Manojlović Vračar (MFA). The richness of works has emerged through the art therapeutic process.  


Exhibition 2.6.2021.

The exhibition of paintings by academic painter and art therapist in residence Krunislav Stojanovski, based on the book "The Death of James Joyce and Other Stories from the 20th Century" by Marijan Grakalić, and the book presentation took take place on June 2nd in Kraluš Gallery (Sveti Ivan Zelina).  True art is always in an expanded reality. Inspired by stories, in a completely unique visual narrative, he sees and discovers archetypal elements that he convincingly paints in one breath, distinctly original and irreplicable.



Exhibition 30.09.2019. 

The exhibition "Sediment" is open, with the artist being Mia Janković Shentser. The exhibition features 25 works created using various visual methods and techniques, representing only a small part of the artist's diverse body of work.  The artist also works as a facilitator for creative art therapy groups.



Exhibition and presentation 28.3.2019.

An Embassy of Republic of Croatia to the USA in Washington is presenting the Director of George Washington University Art Therapy Graduate Program, Heidi Bardot, MA, ATR-BC, and Assoc. prof. Dr. Art. Jasmina Paek, Vice Dean for Curriculum Development of The Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. The presentation follows the development of Croatian Art Therapy Program and the newly established challenges and successes.



Exhibition 17.01.2019. 

Art therapist Magdalena Rubeša organized the first Croatian Art Therapy exhibition.  During a unique event she exhibited artwork made through an art therapeutic process she led with the client.  With his and his mother's cooperation, together they made a social event in the Kneževa's Palace Gallery in Zadar, Croatia.  

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© HART, Hrvatska udruga za art terapiju, 2019.  

Web site editors: Mia Janković Shenster and Vesna Matić.  Credit to artist Jelena Kovačević for the captivating artwork on our website.

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