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Krunislav Stojanovski

+385 (0)95 5053 350
Studio: Zagreb
Language: Croatian, English, Macedonian


Krunislav Stojanovski is an academic painter (MFA) born in Skopje, North Macedonia. He graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb under the mentorship of Professor Emeritus Đuro Seder. In 1998, he studied Public Art at the Sommerakademie in Salzburg, in the class of Agnes Denes, PhD. He furthered his professional development at the Cable Factory in Helsinki, as well as in artistic residencies in Munich, Germany, and Paris, France. He has exhibited in over 60 solo and over 100 group exhibitions in more than twenty countries. He is the recipient of numerous awards, scholarships, and residencies, including those from UNICEF and UNESCO for his contribution to the field of art. Engaging in painting, drawing, photography, environmental installations, and other forms of art, he explores themes with pronounced social, humanistic, and ecological connotations.  


As an expressionist painter, alongside a broad palette, he creates his own archetypal narrative, presenting a breath-transformed vision of color in the realms of pure painting, where color carries a visual story. His artistic work is encompassed by a monograph from 2016, written by academician Tonko Maroević, an art historian.  

He is currently an art therapist in residence, completing a Postmaster Education in art therapy from The Academy of Arts and Culture and The School of Medicine of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in collaboration with George Washington University.  Embarking on a personal journey where art helped him resolve personal challenges and uncertainties, after experiencing the healing power of art, he aims to transfer and assist others in self-discovery through creativity.  This is the focus of his final thesis, a heuristic exploration titled 'Portrait in Art Therapy - the path from artist to art therapist.

He participated in a group exhibition with other Croatian art therapy students at the George Washington University Art Therapy Gallery in USA, 2018. He was part of the art therapy team that organized workshop "All Colors Stress" at the 9th Congress of the Croatian Family Medicine Coordination (KoHom), held in Šibenik in 2018. 

He led art therapy sessions in collaboration with HULULK, the House of St. Francis in Vugrovec (working with children without parental care), the Rehabilitation Center Zagreb (working with individuals with intellectual disabilities), and with the association 'Srce' in Sv. Ivan Zelina (with children with developmental challenges, individuals with disabilities, and their families).


Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU)

Croatian Freelance Artists' Association (HZUS)
Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)

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Krunislav Stojanovski

+385 (0)95 5053 350
Studio: Zagreb
Language: Croatian, English, Macedonian


Krunislav Stojanovski je akademski slikar rođen u Skoplju, Sjeverna Makedonija. Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu pod mentorstvom profesora emeritusa Đure Seder (univ. mag. art.). Godine 1998. studirao je umjetnost na Sommerakademie u Salzburgu, u klasi Agnes Denes, doktorice znanosti. Nadalje je razvijao svoj profesionalni put u Cable Factory u Helsinkiju, kao i u umjetničkim rezidencijama u Münchenu (Njemačka) i Parizu (Francuska). Izlagao je na više od 60 samostalnih i preko 100 skupnih izložbi u više od dvadeset zemalja. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada, stipendija i rezidencija, uključujući one od UNICEF-a i UNESCO-a za doprinos umjetnosti. Baveći se slikarstvom, crtežom, fotografijom, okolišnim instalacijama i drugim oblicima umjetnosti, istražuje teme s izraženim socijalnim, humanističkim i ekološkim konotacijama.

Kao ekspresionistički slikar, uz široku paletu, stvara vlastitu arhetipsku naraciju, predstavljajući viziju boje koja je transformirana u područjima čiste slikarske umjetnosti, gdje boja nosi vizualnu priču. Njegov umjetnički rad obuhvaćen je monografijom iz 2016. koju je napisao akademik Tonko Maroević, povjesničar umjetnosti.

Specijalizant je art terapije i završava Poslijediplomski specijalistički studij iz art terapije na Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu te Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku u suradnji s Sveučilištem George Washington. Krenuo je na osobno putovanje gdje mu je umjetnost pomogla riješiti osobne izazove i nesigurnosti, te nakon što je doživio iscjeliteljsku moć umjetnosti, nastoji prenijeti i pomoći drugima u otkrivanju sebe kroz kreativnost. To je fokus njegova završnog rada, heurističkog istraživanja pod nazivom 'Portret u art terapiji - put od umjetnika do art terapeuta'.

Sudjelovao je u skupnoj izložbi s drugim studentima art terapije iz Hrvatske u Galeriji Art terapije Sveučilišta George Washington u SAD-u, 2018. Bio je dio tima za art terapiju koji je organizirao radionicu "All Colors Stress" na 9. kongresu Koordinacije hrvatske obiteljske medicine (KoHom), održanom u Šibeniku 2018.

Vodio je art terapijske seanse u suradnji s HULULK-om, Kućom sv. Franje u Vugrovcu (rad s djecom bez roditeljske skrbi), Rehabilitacijskim centrom Zagreb (rad s osobama s intelektualnim teškoćama) te s udrugom 'Srce' u Sv. Ivanu Zelini (s djecom s razvojnim izazovima, osobama s invaliditetom i njihovim obiteljima).


Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika (HDLU)

Hrvatsko udruženje samostalnih umjetnika (HZUS)

Hrvatska udruga art terapeuta (HART)

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10000 Zagreb


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© HART, Hrvatska udruga za art terapiju, 2019.  

Web site editors: Mia Janković Shenster and Vesna Matić.  Credit to artist Jelena Kovačević for the captivating artwork on our website.

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