Nikolina Manojlović Vračar graduated in painting with a teaching specialization under the mentorship of Prof. A. Rašić at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She is an art therapist who completed the program of Creative studies at the University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek. Nikolina is a freelance visual artist and writer with interdisciplinary experience in other artistic practices as well.
She conducts art therapy individually and in groups with children, young people and adults who face various biopsychosocial challenges (e.g. adverse childhood experiences, anxiety, self-harm, psychological abuse in relationships, acute life crisis etc.) as well as with people from different social groups (employees in helping professions, retirees, children with developmental disabilities, etc.). Her clinical experience as an art therapist includes working with a group of young people and adults at the department of the Day Hospital for Integrative Psychiatry of the Clinic for Psychiatry of St. Ivan in Zagreb.
She regularly expands her knowledge, through seminars and workshops, about various psychotherapy practices (CBT, mindfulness, integrative psychotherapy).
She has received multiple awards for her literary and illustrative work. Participating and cooperating with the Croatian independent theater scene, she has undergone many professional trainings related to work with voice, body and movement - in addition to visual arts, these skills greatly help her in working with clients.
Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)
Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU)
Croatian Freelance Artists Association (HZSU)
Croatian Association of Writers for Children and Youth (HDKDM)
Nikolina Manojlović Vračar diplomirala je slikarstvo na nastavničkom smjeru u klasi prof. A. Rašića na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu (mag. art.). Specijalizirala je art terapiju na poslijediplomskom specijalističkom studiju kreativnih terapija pri Sveučilištu J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku. U statusu je samostalne likovne umjetnice i spisateljice s interdisciplinarnim iskustvom i u drugim umjetničkim praksama.
Art terapiju provodi individualno i grupno s djecom, mladima i odraslima koji se suočavaju s različitim biopsihosocijalnim poteškoćama (npr. nepovoljna iskustva iz djetinjstva, anksioznost, samoozljeđivanje, psihičko zlostavljanje u odnosima, akutne životne krize i sl.) kao i s osobama iz različitih društvene skupine (zaposleni u pomažućim profesijama, umirovljenici, djeca s poteškoćama u razvoju i dr.). Kliničko art terapijsko iskustvo stekla je u radu s grupom mladih i odraslih na odjelu Dnevne bolnice za integrativnu psihijatriju Klinike za psihijatriju Sv. Ivana u Zagrebu.
Višestruko nagrađivana za književni i ilustratorski rad. U suradnji s hrvatskom nezavisnom kazališnom scenom prošla je mnoga stručna usavršavanja vezana za rad s glasom, tijelom i pokretom – uz primarnu vizualno-umjetničku djelatnost, te joj vještine uvelike pomažu u radu s klijentima. Redovito proširuje znanje i iskustvo kroz seminare i radionice o drugim psihoterapijskim praksama (KBT, mindfulness, integrativna psihoterapija).
Hrvatska udruga za art terapiju (HART)
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika (HDLU)
Hrvatska zajednica samostalnih umjetnika (HZSU)
Hrvatsko društvo književnika za djecu i mlade (HDKDM)